Book Gift Ideas for 2022, and Beyond!

Today marks the 67th birthday of the Humane Society! Almost seven decades of looking out for animal welfare. Congratulations and best wishes for many more decades to come!

Ever feel like you and your pet communicate on multiple levels? We cannot offer much advice on how to improve that special bond, but we do have quite a few resources to help you better communicate with your fellow humans!

It’s always a good idea to look for ways to communicate better! This site offers tools and ideas to help you do so. In addition to those resources, we share below some books from several perspectives that can help build communication knowledge, skills, and techniques. They would be good additions to your own personal or professional library, and excellent gifts for others as well.

Better Customer Service: Simple Rules You Can Apply Today
Edward C. Brewer and Terence L. Holmes

The primary audience of this work includes any business that desires to improve customer service. However, anyone who works with people will appreciate the conversational tone and specific illustrative examples in this clear and immediately actionable book. Review and order here.

Organizational Communication: Today’s Professional Life in Context 1st Edition
Edward C. Brewer and Jim Westerman

This book presents the increasingly global and mediated nature of communication in organizations, resulting in a highly readable and engaging introduction to the field. Available here.

International Virtual Teams: Engineering Global Success (IEEE PCS Professional Engineering Communication Series)
Pam Estes Brewer

This book presents a complete guide to international virtual team communication.  It includes up-to-date research developments in the engineering workplace on a global scale, and a problem-solving approach to using and communicating in virtual teams. Insightful and timely! Available here.

The Introvert’s Guide to Greater Success at Work and Home
Edward C. Brewer

This book will help introverts understand how their communication patterns are perceived by extroverts and help them adapt their presentation of self to the needs of their extroverted co-workers, family, and friends in order to communicate more successfully. But this book is also for the extrovert who wants to better understand the introvert for a more satisfying mutual relationship—and more success in business. Order it here.

We hope you have a wonderful holiday season.